Genre: Live Audio-Visual Performance

Length: 30:00

Synopsis: CONTACT combines sight, sound and even touch in a multi-layered exploration of the body’s largest sensory organ – our skin. CONTACT is a performance where our sense of touch is enhanced equally to that of seeing and hearing using custom-built, tactile instruments amongst more familiar ones. The performance enable you to feel music; to experience microscopic and distorted visuals reacting to both live violin and pre-recorded sounds; and for their own bodies to be an integral part of the performance.

Collaboration with composer and artist Matthew Grouse.


Music / Direction - Matthew Grouse & Andy Sowerby

Violin / Performance - Harry Gorski-Brown

Performance - Patrick Shand

Tech / Production support - CCA & Cryptic

Tactile Synthesisers - Based on work by Jay Silver at the MIT Media Lab


Cryptic Nights: CONTACT - CCA, Glasgow [8th September 2022]