
Genre: Experimental Animation

Length: 2:26

Synopsis: ‘Enough’ is an intimate portrait of personal thoughts and limiting beliefs. The film represents the inner workings of a mind by giving physicality to mental phenomena through colourful, dynamic 16mm direct animation and digital effects. It draws inspiration from theories and structures of consciousness; how thoughts arise gradually from “The Absolute”, the abstract space beyond the physical world and source of creation, becoming concrete forms within our psyche. The film’s dialogue itself is inspired by and a reference to ‘Good Boy Bad Boy’ (1985) by Bruce Nauman. The film further explores the tendency towards duality of thoughts and ideas, such as antagonistic forces of good and evil, which lead to conflict within the self. The only way through is towards unification and individuation, via the incorporation of dual concepts that can eventually become whole.

Direction, Animation, Editing, Sound Design, Music by Andy Sowerby
Voice Recording by Cormac Bren


Second Place - On8mil Cameraless Film Competition, 2020, Online

Audience Award - Abstract Showcase - London International Animation Festival 2021, UK


no--body’s room, The Room Projects, 2020, Online

Channel 0 Test Tranmission #6 : Interplanetary Communication, The Rose Hill, 2021, Online

Bogotá Experimental Film Festival / CineAutopsia 2021, Online / Colombia

Experimental Superstars 2021, Serbia

Alternative Night of Experimental Film 2021, UK

London International Animation Festival 2021, UK

4 theatre 2021, Online

London Short Film Festival 2022, UK

World Cinema Carnival Film Festival 2022, Online

Depict Competition, Encounters Film Festival 2022, UK

“An amazing entry employing a steady chatting narrative that builds to a powerful and somewhat sinister crescendo. The matching of the visuals to the sound track is expertly done, along with an amazing eye for colour and abstraction. Andy has also leveraged very effectively digital effects which tween the abstractions on the film beautifully, making the most of digital as well as analogue glitch. The tension of the piece builds taking the viewer on a somewhat Lynchian journey through colour, voice babble and ominous static noise to the film's climax. Andy’s entry is certainly ‘good enough’. Watch the film and you’ll understand the reference.”

On8mil Cameraless Film Competition Judges